Monday, January 11, 2010

Farmville Leveling Guide - Guide to Power Leveling in Farmville

Want to be your farm in Farmville on Facebook is the fastest way? Well, if you want to power your business, there are 3 methods you can use:

Method # 1 - gain experience points for more than planting and plowing continues
If you want to win a lot of experience points quickly, you need the money to spare in the bank. This method allows you to gain experience points quickly and easily, but at the cost of your bankroll.

IfYou have to save a few pennies more for experience points, you must create 10 parcels of land. Once the plots were made to buy plants and soybeans on your new plots. Once the seeds have been planted, using the tool of the blade, and then delete those areas immediately.

Every time you plow and plant your soybeans you get 30 experience points to win, but at the cost of 300 coins.

Method # 2 - stock your Experience Points With the purchase of buildings
If you make a lot ofExperience points just once, buying real estate is a good way to do this. However, as a method # 1, you must make a substantial amount of money in the bank must purchase the building.

You can buy a windmill for 100,000 coins, and gets made 1000 EXP. In theory, every building that you buy, you EXP 1% of the cost.

But how do you know your power farm quickly and easily without spending 1000 coins?

Method # 3 - Powerlevel your farm quickly and easily with theFarmville Secrets Guide
With a self-taught methods of rapid level can be difficult, no need to spend much money. If you want the easiest and best way to power level quickly and without unnecessary expenditures to 1000 coins, it is strongly recommended that the use of Farmville Secrets Guide.

This guide will teach you to be secret ways to power level your company the fastest way possible, without having to spend a lot of money. The coins are buying luxury to be reserved for your companyand the use of Farmville secrets you can do just that.

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