Farmville Do you love to play, but they are in difficulty and are not very far away? Obviously there is more to this game that might appear at first. In fact, there are some tactics involved in a virtual farm more efficient. What you need is a strategy guide or Farmville constructors' championship to a higher level.
It was not long ago that I first heard Farmville. Of course, this game has really taken off. I think there are at least 50 million players on board today.This is a surprising number. What is so addicted to this game? I think it's control. You have complete control over your virtual farm. But if you do not know what you are doing your business you can control instead.
What is the most effective way to build your business? There are actually two very simple things you need to grow your business. Are the experience points and money Farmville. That is the essence of the game. The experience you gain and the possibility ofearn more. With more money you can buy things more. Acquire any new plant, tree, animal, or decoration that you will be able, can work for you to make more money. Sounds simple enough, right?
Think of this as planning for retirement or a company, unless you can have a thriving farm a few days. This means that a little effort goes a long way every day. The first thing you have at your disposal is a piece of land to be plowed and harvested. They alsoCultures that can be started. With each level that the top one has more options to choose from. It 'really does not matter what you plant is what is really important that we, the cycle of each crop and how much they collected coins in exchange for itself. The biggest secret to be effective, they do not allow plants to wilt first you get a chance, tend to have them, so plan according to their calendar.
For example, the strawberries must be picked to sell all 4 hours andfor 35 coins per plot. Soybeans to take the other side, is collected 24 hours and sell for 63 coins per plot. When you access the computer and tend to your crops every 4 hours, and then select the strawberries. If you are testing on your farm once a day, then plant soybeans. In any case, you can get money and level. It's really up to you. Depending on how often you can access your computer and is in Farmville you can level as fast as you want.
Anothervery effective strategy is to plant only one type of crop or at least charge them so you can make your lap, so to speak, and tend to them accordingly.
Crop your collection, of course, always in cash, but there are a number of other ways to earn money. How to gain experience points, there are things that you start the farm, like animals, trees and decorations. When it comes to each of the rule, which will give you cash. For example, fruit trees and cowsGive milk. Even the knowledge of the cycle of each person is the key to making the maximum amount of cash.
You can help neighbors with their farm and are paid for this. You can earn ribbons. Bands can actually accelerate you earn experience points and, of course, offer coins.
Last but not least, you can always sell what you have now, if you want to buy something.
Although every little thing you can do and how to plan your plant and cut their experiences add itemsThey make more money, so you can have the house of your dreams.
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