All the strategies outlined on this page are not cheating. Will not be a violation of Farmville or Facebook. If you follow these strategies, however, there will be the largest possible number of coins in the shortest time possible. You know what you are for the moment there is more knowledge of inside information and how the game is expected. With a little 'tweaking of most of your abilities, without cheating the system to do.
You know your habits and computer facilitiesaccordingly
If you let a reception facility, will wither in the same amount of time that they were used to grow them. For example, a collection of four hours dry four hours after maturation. If you do not develop on the computer 2-4 hours from now on blueberries. Try planting wheat and raspberries, as rotting crops collected more time.Avoid, as only waste your effort and money.
Share your own graphic or you can arrange on your culture
There areGuides and countless Web sites that tell you the same information: the plants are ideal for the plant. These articles and pages can be followed directly, or you can create a personal profile. Grow cultures "more" that are the berries. The allocation of more money and cost relatively little to the plant. The berries "Time is going very fast. These two hours growing season means that access to your account once every two hours Farmville your crop at harvest would have done, you have the timeit? You may or may not be the best crop for you.
You may also have other goals in mind, taking as the mastery of a particular culture or flowers for the perfect grape. Another thing you must think is about the release of some crops, at every level. I have it easier to create my own table and fill each culture, how to unlock the levels found. That way I can monitor the plants that have access to, and not dealing with huge graphics that take the other players built.
Must never, neverThe purchase of a tree
If you can get an item as a gift, there is no reason to try and buy. For example, trees can be received by your neighbors as a gift. Trees are a very poor investment of your hard-earned money, especially if you are beginning. She, 700 coins, just to get 40 coins every few days? This is not a very good thing. I take it as a gift and give it to your friends, but if you want to the currencies, you must be your main goal of seedCrops. You can also sell the trees low income and maintain the profitability of the highest trees. You will eventually make space on the farm, and can be irritating to have to take an object at a time when you move outside the camps.
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